The Consultation

I work from the Natural Health Centre in Penzance, sometimes from my home and can arrange home visits.
An initial consultation takes about 1 hour. If appropriate a reflexology treatment may be included in treatment. I then work out a herbal prescription tailored to individual needs and may give dietary advice and suggest lifestyle changes that will help you get the most benefit from treatment and look after health. This is normally about relaxing! There is usually a follow up consultation after 4 weeks which last 20- 30 minutes

The Herbal Prescription

Janet Hay Medical Herbalist

The herbal prescription is prepared for individual needs, and is usually a combination of herbs working synergistically to address the cause as well as alleviate symptoms. It can be a tincture, tisane, cream, ointment or capsules.


Consultation: £50 – includes 4 weeks of herbal remedy

Follow-up Consultation: £45 – includes 5 weeks of tincture.

Home Visits: Home visits can be arranged if it is difficult for you to come to me.

Repeat Prescriptions: Repeat prescriptions without a consultation are as follows:
Tincture 100 mls £10
Tea 100 gm £5
Cream or Ointment 30 gm £5 / 60 gm £10
100 Capsules £15

If you would like to buy a single herb tincture or tea I can do this for you. Prices for herbs are individual.

All remedies made according to needs.

Treatment on its own is £40 and takes 1 hour.
I can do home visits or visit me at The Penzance Natural Health Centre

Janet Hay Medical Herbalist


I am often asked about general tonics, teas or creams that can help with things like colds, difficulty sleeping, digestion and stress.
There are some simple preparations I make without need of consultation, please contact me about this.